
Summary of our wanna-be entrepreneurs currently living in our stepping-stone houses.  Click on the images for more information :

IMG_8017~|A Belgian family (parents Wim and Greet and their children Amelie, Jensen, Seibren, Tijmen et Lorenz*) with the project to renovate a barn in a local village to convert it into a B&B.

~~HAUTEKEUR|A family from the Nord-Pas-de-Calais (Claudine and Jean-Gilbert with their daughter Margot) with a project to take-over an existing business : library, tea rooms, grocery store….
A young family from the Nord-Pas-de-Calais (Laurence and Christophe and their two children) with a project to create a company for kitting out the inside of buildings according to the owners requirements: floors, ceilings, walls, furniture, fixations…